CorrISA Corrosion Engineering (5 day) | 27 Nov – 1 Dec | JHB

CorrISA Corrosion Engineering (5 day) | 27 Nov – 1 Dec | JHB

CorrISA Corrosion Engineering (5 day) | 27 Nov – 1 Dec | JHB

The Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa specifically developed this course for industry to give engineering personnel and affiliates a good grounding in corrosion science and technology, and to prepare them for more focused corrosion prevention training in the future. The course is based around the book, “Corrosion Control in Southern Africa” published by CorrISA. By the end of this examined course, students will have an in-depth overall understanding of corrosion and would be able to use the subject matter in industry applications and beyond.

Course aimed at:

  • Plant managers and operators
  • Project planners
  • Engineers
  • Financial executives
  • Asset owners
  • Estimators
  • Corrosion contractors and consultants
  • Anyone wanting a deeper understanding of corrosion

Course subjects covered:

  • Corrosion “How it Works”
  • Forms of Corrosion
  • Corrosion Environments
  • Material Selection and Design
  • Modifying the Environment
  • Organic Coatings
  • Metallic and Inorganic Coatings
  • Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Course outcomes:

Course minimum entry requirements:

  • English literacy
  • Matric or higher qualification
  • Basic knowledge of corrosion
  • Basic knowledge of both chemistry and maths

Course Cost:

Please refer to course fees

Course duration:

5 days

Course supplied:

  • “Corrosion Control in Southern Africa” textbook published by CorrISA
  • Lunch, light snacks and refreshments

Course notes:

Interested in taking this course? Contact us below: